Friday, October 12, 2012

All dogs go to Heaven

My parents had to put my dog to sleep today.

It wasn't but a few months ago that the cat that I've had since I was five died.  So it's really hard.  I actually can't even believe it, because I haven't been to my parent's house yet.  I haven't seen that she isn't there.  After I do, it'll actually sink in that she's gone.

It's funny, not really, but, the day my cat died, my family was all sad and everything.  Well, I went up to my dog and pointed at her, all serious, and I told her she wasn't ever allowed to die.  It wasn't a week later when my mom told me she was sick and would be dying in the near future.  

My dog: Challenge Accepted

Some people might think this is the dumbest thing they've ever heard.  I'd say those people don't have a soul.  That, or they've never truly loved an animal.  And I think that's sad.  My family are animal people.  All my life we've had an animal in our house, and now we don't.  That's really sad to me.  I know that this blog is a) seriously weird or b) seriously depressing and also has nothing to do with fashion... but it happened to me today and I feel like talking about it.  And you're still reading it, so I guess you feel like listening (;

I won't go on too much longer about my dead animals though, because that is a little weird, but just remember that all dogs go to heaven and my cat was too angelic to be anywhere else<3

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