Thursday, October 18, 2012


I'm a fan of animal print.  I don't wear a trashy amount, but I think it's cute!  This was my geek-is-chic outfit today... it made me think of all the adorable animal print outfits that i love.  I have a ton pinned on Pinterest, so I'm going to put my favorites on here! :)



These pants were worn by Aria on Pretty Little Liars-- ever since I saw that episode, I became obsessed with them! Aria always has great clothes on- can't wait for that show to resume so I can blog about it every week haha. 

This is how i roll, animal print, pants outta control

I know that haters are gonna hate, but I'm a fan of Jersey Shore.  I'm literally sad it's the last season.  I'll miss watching all of the craziness!  But anyway, I love how animal print is sort of Snooki's "signature" look.  I miss the huge poof she used to do, she hardly ever does it anymore!  But anyway, here are a few of her animal print looks! 

I really like this look.  It's really sophisticated in my opinion.  Obviously, the shorts are super short, but I love them!  They show off her cute legs and makes the leopard print pop!  And the fact that its a nice leopard print blazer, just looks very grown up lol.  

Snooki said at one point that she wanted to wear animal print even when she was giving birth.  So it shouldn't be a surprise that her newborn baby is wrapped up in a leopard print blanket. 

“I want to wear, like, leopard shoes and a leopard gown — like the hospital gowns that they have. I think that would be cute,” Snooki told Celebuzz.

Animal print FTW! :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

All dogs go to Heaven

My parents had to put my dog to sleep today.

It wasn't but a few months ago that the cat that I've had since I was five died.  So it's really hard.  I actually can't even believe it, because I haven't been to my parent's house yet.  I haven't seen that she isn't there.  After I do, it'll actually sink in that she's gone.

It's funny, not really, but, the day my cat died, my family was all sad and everything.  Well, I went up to my dog and pointed at her, all serious, and I told her she wasn't ever allowed to die.  It wasn't a week later when my mom told me she was sick and would be dying in the near future.  

My dog: Challenge Accepted

Some people might think this is the dumbest thing they've ever heard.  I'd say those people don't have a soul.  That, or they've never truly loved an animal.  And I think that's sad.  My family are animal people.  All my life we've had an animal in our house, and now we don't.  That's really sad to me.  I know that this blog is a) seriously weird or b) seriously depressing and also has nothing to do with fashion... but it happened to me today and I feel like talking about it.  And you're still reading it, so I guess you feel like listening (;

I won't go on too much longer about my dead animals though, because that is a little weird, but just remember that all dogs go to heaven and my cat was too angelic to be anywhere else<3

Shopaholic Shocker

I went shopping yesterday.  For something to wear to my friend's wedding in particular.  I tried on so many things, and something happened to me that has never happened before... I didn't buy any of them!  

The first place I went was Charlotte Rousse.  I love their clothes, but it feels like most of them are made for girls that are strictly size 0.  Even so, I went into the dressing room with an armful of things to try on. 

I instantly loved this red dress when I saw it.  When I tried it on, I didn't think it was as flattering as I would have liked.  It's gorgeous though, I wish I had the right body for it!

I've been searching for a denim button-up ever since they became popular.  They are too cute!  I never can seem to find the right fit though.  When I tried this one on, I loved it.  But there was still the matter of it not fitting quite right around the shoulders.  I was extremely disappointed.  I almost bought it anyway haha (Shopaholic symptom: buying things even when they don't fit). 

So I left Evansville with a UK blue, skinny belt (from Charlotte Rousse), and a cute, black, dress jacket with gold zippers (from Forever 21).  I'll have pictures of them up soon :)  It must have been a shock to my Shopaholic side- I'm pretty sure that's the least I've left the mall with in a long time!  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Possible Wedding Attire

I have a wedding to go to on Sunday, which means... dress shopping! DUH!  When I went to Lexington, I raided my sister's closet to make sure there was nothing I may be able to wear of hers.  I really like this dress, and may wear it.  

I'm definitely still going shopping in Evansville tomorrow though (;

Wide Open Spaces

My family went to Lexington for the past few days to visit my sister, brother in law and nephew.  I love going to Lexington.  Everything is so pretty there.  There's not a lot of open land in Owensboro.  In Lexington there's so many open fields that just make me wish I was a kid again so I could kick off my shoes and run around for no reason.  

Lexington reminds me of the Dixie Chicks song Wide Open Spaces.  

She needs wide open spaces
Room to make her big mistakes 
She needs new faces
She knows the high stakes

I guess because I went to college in Lexington and it was the first time I really left my parents.  And I really needed to get away, out of their nest and see what kind of person I really was without them by my side.  And I needed to make mistakes, so I could learn and grow from them, which I did.  I needed new people to meet, because all of my friends had gone to other colleges.  It was definitely scary to leave, but I couldn't live at home forever, right? 

I stayed at my cousins' house one night.  They have an amazing back yard, and a ton of land with a barn.  They have several animals, cats, dogs, horses, I'm not sure what else!  When I go to the barn, I go camera crazy haha.  I love taking pictures of the horses.   

My grandma decided to name this picture 'The Road to Nowhere.'  I approve :)

The night before we left, I told my mom I wanted to go to Target because I wanted to buy something to wear to Lexington (*Shopaholic symptom: buying specific clothes for a casual event).  Well we went, and I got this super cute sweater.  Pretty sure it was only $18.99 :)  I put on an apricot colored tank underneath so it would look even more Fall-like. 

I should have taken a picture of these when I had on my skinny jeans.  I absolutely love them though.  I got them at Target (duh) and they were somewhere around $30

Leaving Lexington :(  Always hard to say goodbye!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

On Wednesdays we wear pink!

I wanted to write this blog on the actual National Mean Girls Day, which, according to Twitter, was last Wednesday.  But my internet went out and I'm only just now getting it back.  

One of the big movies of my generation was Mean Girls.  I don't even really know why, it was just another teen movie if we're being honest.  Although, it had characters we could all relate to.  

Cady, the moral heroine, who is tempted by popularity.  Regina, the Queen B, who has the constant need to be the center of attention (and to lose three pounds).  Karen, the ditzy friend, with a side of slutty.  And Gretchen, who never feels good enough.

Well, on Wednesday, it just so happened to be October 3rd also. 

On October 3rd he asked me what day it was.  "It's October 3rd." -Cady, Mean Girls

On Twitter, I saw that #NationalMeanGirlsDay and #ItsOctober3rd were trending.  Well, I obviously wore pink to work that day!  And I obviously quoted the movie all day long.  I swear, that movie is so good.  It's like every line is hilarious.  

"And I want my pink shirt back!  I want my pink shirt back!"  -Damian

Don't forget to wear pink on Wednesdays, and FOUR for you Glen Coco!

You GO Glen Coco.